A team is conducting an impor-tant health survey among tribal members ages 18 and over. The survey information will help guide tribal health care priorities in the coming years. The survey team in-cludes Warm Springs Community Health, the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, and Warm Springs Prevention.
The survey takes about an hour. Participants receive a $30 gift card. Tribal Council Chairman Austin Greene Jr. explains the details of this project:
Greetings tribal members,
The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs are conducting an anonymous survey of tribal mem-bers, called Behavioral Risk Fac-tor Surveillance Systems. This survey will help the tribe collect health-related information, so ser-vices and programs can be adapted to meet our needs.
The information is also vital for our grant writing efforts so we can secure funding for current and fu-ture tribal programs. We are partnering with the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board on this project.
The Warm Springs Tribal Coun-cil approved the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Systems (BRFSS) project, and the Health and Welfare Committee approved the questions that will be asked dur-ing the survey. The project has been reviewed by the Portland Area Office Indian Health Service Institutional Review Board, and all project staff will be held to strict confidentiality when handling Con-federated Tribes of Warm Springs member contact and health infor-mation.
The Warm Springs BRFSS in-terviewers and area Indian Health Board staff will attempt to con-tact all tribal members over the age of 18 via telephone and door-to-door this coming fall and win-ter. The initial call will be to schedule a time that is convenient to take the 50-70 minute survey, and the Warm Springs staff coming door-to-door will complete on the spot interviews or schedule an appointment.
Your participation is completely voluntary, though we encourage you to participate in this process and provide as much information as you can.
The information you give will be kept completely confidential.
None of your personal identifying information will be connected to your answers. The data will be returned to the tribe in a fomat that does not allow the information to be traced to any individual tribal member—no one will be able to trace any of your answers back to you.
Once data is collected we will host community dinners to share the results.
For participating we will send you a $30 gift card as we know your time is valuable and hope you will accept it as a small token or our gratitude.
We are strong tribe and together we can assure our healthcare needs are met for future generations.
Eugene Austin
Greene Jr.