Wasco Chief Jefferson Greene has announced a forum for Agency District Candidates Wednesday, February 5, [...]
Warm Springs construction is installing street lights along quail Trail this week. There were delays [...]
The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Public Safety Branch is sharing the Tribes’ existing Dog [...]
A recent public scoping meeting was held for Warm Springs Power and Water’s proposed Salmonfly [...]
CTWS Tribal Council was in session last week. On Monday, December 2, 2024, there were [...]
Reports of dog bite incidents on the Warm Springs Reservation are increasing according to the [...]
There have been some changes to the printing of the Spilyay Tymoo due to the [...]
Classroom temperatures in the lower 60s resulted in the closure of the Warm Springs Early [...]
Warm Springs resident Elliot Lawson was awarded a Quilt of Valor today (Tue, Oct 22,2024) [...]
This upcoming Monday September 23rd, Central Oregon Community College will begin their fall GED classes. [...]