Washanaksha Grant Application Open

The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Washanaksha Cultural Coalition is seeking grant  applications for projects and activities for this year. Grant funding is sponsored by The Oregon Cultural Trust which provides funding to Oregon County groups and Tribes to support the arts and heritage.

The Warm Springs Washanaksha Cultural Plan seeks to: Promote Tribal Member and Residents’ understanding of and involvement in cultural activities, traditions, arts, language, dance, history, music, etc.  Pass on Tribal knowledge and practices to our youth and help them feel connected to their culture.  Preserve, Practice, and Teach Tribal Languages and –   Support the work of our artists and traditional teachers, including their ability to earn a living from their work.

You can download a Washanaksha Grant Application Packet HERE.

Hard copies are available at the Museum at Warm Springs, Here at KWSO and at Three Warriors Market in Simnasho.