29th Tribal Council Sworn In

The 29th Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs was sworn in today, May 2, 2022!

For Lincoln Jay Suppah (Simnasho), Raymond “Captain” Moody (Simnasho), and Wilson Wewa Jr (Seekseequa), this isn’t their first time being sworn in to serve on Tribal Council. But there are some new faces to go along with them. In Simnasho, Carlos Calica was elected in, in Seekseequa, Rosa Graybael was elected in and the Agency District saw all of their representatives changed over to new faces, beginning with James (Jim) Manion, Alvis Smith III and Jonathan Smith Sr being elected to this council.

The Ceremony drew dozens of people to be present as they did washut songs and then introduced the 29th Tribal Council and then having them swear into office. A meal was served and after most people had left after eating, the 29th Tribal council entered chambers.

In the Chambers BIA Superintendent Brenda Bremner got things started by opening the floor for nominations for Tribal Council Chairman. Jonathan Smith Sr was nominated and there was a 2nd to his nomination. After a few short minutes, nobody else was nominated and Jonathan Smith Sr was confirmed as the Chairman of the 29th Tribal Council of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. BIA Superintendent Bremner handed the Tribal Council over to its new Chairman and he called for nominations for Vice Chair of Tribal Council. After a long silence, Raymond “Captain” Moody was nominated and there was a 2nd to his nomination. Alvis Smith III was nominated, but he declined. With no other nominations, it was confirmed that Captain Moody would be the Vice Chair.

With a Chairman and Vice Chair selected, they moved on to the position of Secretary/Treasurer and after deliberation decided that they would proceed with advertising the position to be filled. The position would be advertised throughout the Pacific Northwest, with interviews being conducted in the next two weeks and the position filled in 30 days. It was motioned to have Glendon Smith serve as the Interim ST until it is filled, it was confirmed.

Next on the Council Agenda is confirming the Tribal Council Agenda for the Month of May 2022.