Due to CDC recommendations and Warm Springs Tribal Council receiving recommendations from the Warm Springs COVID Task Force, masks will be required in indoor spaces in the Warm Springs community.
Katie Russell said “Our community and the region actually is in high COVID transmission, the COVID team met and is recommending that we wear masks indoors now, so that would be anytime that you go inside one of the tribal buildings or if you’re indoors of somewhere that’s not your household, we are recommending that you wear a mask during this high transmission period.”
Glendon Smtih emailed out the details of the new restrictions.
COVID-19 Protocols for All – Effective July 7, 2022
The COVID-19 Team recommendations (data regarding COVID-19 to be reviewed regularly).
- Wearing masks will be mandatory in all Tribal buildings if you are unable to socially distance. Proper wearing of masks is also required. This means your nose and mouth is completely covered.
- Up to date vaccination for all tribal employees is required and is being monitored by Human Resources.
- If you use a home kit and it shows positive, you need to notify Community Health Program at 541-553-5512. You need to isolate for a minimum of 5 days. Admin leave may be used for isolation days followwing PER 950 D. A not from a medical provider is required to utilize this leave.
- Close contacts of a positive case need to test if symptoms develop or 5 days after exposure.
- High Contact areas and workstations are recommended to be sanitized on a regular basis and at least once per day.
- Events will need to follow protocols: wearing masks and maintaining a 6 feet distance from others. No need for COVID Team approval at this time but can change in the near future if numbers continue to raise.
- Cooks/Servers for all events including Long House: If food is served at any event, to reduce possible exposure, use of paper and plastic products. Buffet style is not recommended. Cooks/Servers need to wear masks and gloves. All attending when not eating need to wear masks.