Below are the Summaries for Tribal Council Session in October 2022:
At Tribal Council’s October 3rd meeting, a motion was made by Alvis Smith, III, authorizing the following: up to $450,000 in ARPA funds for General Accounting Assistance; Tribal Attorneys, BB&K, to initiate engagement of Nan McKay Associates, Inc. for a limited duration for General Accounting Assistance scope of work; the Secretary-Treasurer/CEO to initiate procurement for completion of the General Accounting Assistance scope of work; and the Secretary-Treasurer to work with the Tribal Attorneys to communicate with appropriate agencies regarding the Tribes plan for compliance. The motion was seconded by Jim Manion and carried with five members voting yes.
During Warm Springs Tribal Council’s meeting on October 4th, members Raymond Moody, Jay Suppah, Rosa Graybael, Alvis Smith III and Wilson Wewa, Jr. heard department quarterly updates from Public Safety, Human Resources, Health & Humans Services, Natural Resources, Tribal Court, and the Veteran’s Service Office. In their meeting with Governmental Affairs, there was a meet and greet with US Enviornmental Protection Agency Region 10 Administrator Casey Sixkiller. Sixkiller was appointed in May of this year by President Biden to lead the implementation of the Biden-Harris environmental agenda in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and 271 Tribal Nations.
During the Warm Springs Tribal Council session on October 10th, Council received Enterprise updates from Warm Springs Power & Water, Warm Springs Composite Products, Warm Springs Telecom, Warm Springs Ventures, Warm Springs Housing Authority, Warm Springs Timber Company, LLC and the Museum at Warm Springs. A motion by Jim Manion to adopt Resolution No. 12,967A, for the Indian Community Block Grant, was seconded by Alvis Smith III, was carried by 6 yes votes. There was a consensus that each Enterprise have public meetings to give Annual Reports to the Tribal Membership.
Warm Springs Tribal Council was in session on October 17th. They received an update from the Secretary-Treasurer Robert Brunoe with November Agenda and Travel Delegations first. A motion by Captain Moody approving the Travel agenda with possible amendments was seconded by Jay Suppah and was carried by 6 yes votes. Next were draft resolutions: Motion by Jim Manion approving Resolution No. 12,983 appointing Brad Houslet, Austin Smith Jr. and Ryan Smith as Interim Water Control Board Members until Tribal Council appoints Board members. The motion was seconded by Chief Joe Moses and carried by 7 yes votes. A motion by Captain Moody to adopt resolution No. 12,984 that the proposed business lease no. 4471 for the Indian Head Casino was carried by 6 yes votes. A Motion by Jim Manion adopting resolution no. 12,985 approving Memorandum of Agreement for Public Law 86-121 and Project PO-22-N46 was carried by 6 yes votes. Council then received a State Legislative Update Call with Michael Mason followed by a motion by Carlos Calica adopting Resolution No. 12,986 for enrollments, enrolling seven individuals with the motion being carried by 7 yes votes. They then had a motion by Captain Moody to adopt resolution no. 12,987 to approve the 2022 Amendment to the Fish Accord and authorizes the Tribe’s Chairman to sign the 2022 Amendment, the motion was carried by 6 yes votes. They ended this session with an Indian Health Service Update.
During the Warm Springs Tribal Council session on October 18th, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Jonathan Smith Sr. The short session saw an update from the TERO commission from Mona Cochran and Shirley Allen. They then held a meet and greet with Roselyn Tso the Indian Health Service Director. The meeting adjourned at 10:50AM.
In the Warm Springs Tribal Council Session on October 19th, Council reviewed discussion items for the meet & greet with Tribal Attorneys Josh Newton and Howard Arnett. They held a meet and greet with the New United States Attorney Natalie Wight, Tim Simmons and Pam Passo, Assistant United States Attorney. Next were Travel Delegations for Tribal Council with a motion by Alvis Smith III approving Jonathan Smith Sr. to attend the Brownsfield training in Bend, Joe Moses and Jay Suppah to attend the Economic workshop in Pendleton and Captain Moody to attend the Blumenauer Roundtable meeting. The motion was carried by 5 yes votes. To finish this session there was a motion by Captain Moody authorizing the Chairman to sign the letter of support for the Tribal Wildland Fire Management Programs Omission from the Implementation of Section 40803 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Letter, the motion was carried by 5 yes votes.
For the Full unedited summaries, you can click the following links.