Since Ballot Measure 114 was approved by Oregon voters on Nov. 8, Bend Police and other law enforcement agencies throughout the state have received numerous questions regarding implementation of the new law. In a News Release from the Bend Police Department, Bend Police command staff members have been working closely with the Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police and other agencies to understand the repercussions and challenges of implementing the law. With lawsuits already filed challenging the constitutionality of Measure 114, the Bend Police Department stated that it is required to fully implement its requirements unless and until a court issues a stay on the measure or determines parts or all of it are unconstitutional.
After the General Election, on November 13th, Jefferson County Sheriff Jason Pollock released a statement on his stance on Measure 114 and stated that his office will not enforce Measure 114, citing lack of personnel to attempt to permit every gun purchase and the belief that the provisions of Measure 114 run contrary to previously decided Judicial decisions.
Eugene’s police chief says his agency won’t be ready to roll out a “permit-to-purchase” system for gun buyers by the time Ballot Measure 114 takes effect on Thursday. Chris Skinner says the short time between last month’s election and the measure’s effective date makes it difficult to create an application process in time. “This is about trying to put together a really robust, understandable, simple, consistent, equitable process for people. And we’re just not in a space where we’re going to meet that deadline on December 8th, which is this Thursday.” Skinner’s comments come as both the Oregon Department of Justice and opponents of the measure are asking a federal judge to delay the permit requirement for gun purchases. That ruling is expected early this week.
As of now, Measure 114 is scheduled to go into effect on Thursday December 8th.