Wintertime illness always seems to include Flu and this year is no different. Warm Springs Community Health’s Katie Russell says flu season came early and we can expect another round just ahead. “We’re seeing some reports that they think we’re going to have another Flu wave here in the next couple weeks. We had our first wave, our Flu A wave, came a little bit early this season and it was pretty good wave, but we’re kinda slowing down on that now. We’re anticipating that we’ll have another wave and this will be most likely a Flu B which are two different strains of the Flu virus. And our vaccine should cover both, if you haven’t had a Flu vaccine, you should go get that. If you haven’t had a COVID booster, you should go get that. You can get them together at the same time. If this fall you did get a flu vaccine and a booster a COVID booster, you’re covered, you should be good to go, you don’t need another one.” Contact Community Health for a Flu Shot – a COVID shot or both at 541-553-2610. Vaccination is the best way to prevent illness.