Great funding news for ballfields projects

A major funding piece of the Warm Springs ballfields renovation project is now in place.

The Oregon Parks and Recreation grants division last week awarded the tribes $360,500 to help complete the work.

The tribes will match this amount, bringing the total budget for the renvoation to $721,000.

Bruce Irwin, the tribes’ development director, said the effort to the secure the necessary funding has been a true team effort.

Those who assisted in creating the conceptual site plan, and other required documents used in the grant presentation, were:

Ben Bisland of Warm Springs Ventures, who created the original conceptual site plan covering about 17 acres. This saved the tribes about $5,000, Mr. Irwin said.

Sammy O’Reilly, a Bureau of Natural Resources GIS Specialist, who prepared five additional mapping documents. These  identified the projects vicinity, boundaries, trails, location, growth management areas and project phases.

The Bean Foundation and Jefferson County gave letters of support during the grant application process.

Tribal Council Chairman Austin Greene, and Satch Miller of Recreation gave their testimonies during the 20-minute grant presentation. “Their comments and passion for this project made a great impression on the scoring committee,” Mr. Irwin said.

Tribal Council and management, Secretary-Treasurer Michele Stacona and Chief Operations Officer Alyssa Macy worked to make the project happen, he said.

The following is a brief project description of the Warm Springs ballfields rehabilitation:

There will be re-orientation and spacing of six ballfields, including junior and adult fields, and the Warm Springs Little League fields.

Steps during the renovation: Preparation of the final plans and specifications, then the site preparation, clearing and excavation; and installation of underground utilities: water and sewer, irrigation and electrical.

There will be new fencing for backstops, fence lines and outfields. The ballfields will have new restrooms, and a food concession building.

Outfields will be grass. There will be walkways, players fabric shelters, and park furniture to include picnic tables, plus players benches with backrest.

The $360,500 Parks and Recreation grant is through the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund.