Home Maintenance

Here are some tips to keep your home safe and up to date on maintenance.

  • When the temperature drops – cold can seep into your house from outside – and heat can escape. If cold is drafting in around your exterior doors you probably need new weather stripping.
  • Remove the old weather stripping so you know what size to get at a hardware or home improvement store. Install the new weather stripping on the top door stop and on the sides and make sure the door closes snugly.
  • If your home has a central furnace, often in the garage, change out the air filter routinely. It’s an inexpensive way to extend the life of your furnace and help with heating efficiency.
  • If your home has electric wall heaters – keep 3 feet of space clear around it. That’s for anything that could catch fire including furniture, newspaper, clothing, blankets or curtains.
  • Make sure your fire extinguisher is in working order. It should be accessible – easy to get to.  Check the gauge to make sure the pressure is good.
  • Test your smoke detectors to ensure they work. Batteries should be replaced annually.   Doing that when daylight saving time starts or ends is a good way to remember.

Learning basic home maintenance is a great way to keep your living space in good shape.