Warm Springs Pack

A new Area of Known Wolf Activity has been designated in the northern Oregon Cascades in Wasco and Jefferson Counties.

Two wolves were first found in December 2021 by Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs biologists. After no sign for a while, two pups were caught on a trail camera in August, proving that wolves are still resident in the area.

If the group still has at least four wolves at the end of 2022, the group will be named the Warm Springs Pack. All documented locations so far have been on the CTWS Indian Reservation.

Wolves in the Cascades are protected under the federal Endangered Species Act. Wolves once ranged most of the U.S. but were nearly decimated by the 1930s under government-sponsored campaigns. In Oregon, officials counted 175 wolves last year.

Here is some of the video CTWS Biologists have captured:

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3