Now is the Time to Create Defensible Space

You may have noticed Fire Management crews trimming weeds and grass at the intersection of Highways 26 & 3 in Warm Springs yesterday (5/22/23).

With recent precipitation, grasses and weeds have grown and now with less rain and breezy conditions they are drying out and becoming fuel for wildfire.

That is why now is the best time to take personal responsibility and actions to protect your home from the threat of wildfire.

Defensible space around your home is important even when a wildfire is not in your immediate area.  Embers can travel up to one mile ahead of a fire front and that can land in combustible vegetation or debris in your yard – bringing that fire to your door.

And remember – if burning yard debris is part of your creation of defensible space – make sure you go to the Warm Springs Fire Management Dispatch office and get a burn permit.

When you do the burn – you need to contact Warm Springs PD Dispatch and be sure to have water and tools available to help you control the fire.