The number of reported dog bite incidents on the reservation has seen an increase, according to Warm Springs Public Safety.
They are reminding the community that the Tribes’ Dog Control Ordinance No. 36 remains in effect.
Public Safety is providing the community with information about the ordinance, as necessary steps will be taken by the Warm Springs Police Department, Prosecution and Tribal Court in cases involving dog bites. Coordinated efforts are being initiated with the Housing Authority, Fire and Safety, Fences for Fido and tribal Sanitation.
While revisions to the ordinance can be expected in the future, provisions of the current ordinance apply to dog biting incidents, and enforcement continues.
Anyone who is a victim of a dog bite should call the Warm Springs Police dispatch at 911, and seek emergency medical services.
Dog owners should be aware of the tribes’ dog control ordinance which requires all dogs to be licensed and vaccinated against rabies. The license fee is only $1 and provided by the Tribal Court. Those tags need to be attached to a dog’s collar or harness that must be worn when the dog is at large in the community.
No female dog in heat; no dog of a fierce, dangerous or vicious nature; and no dog which becomes a nuisance to others when trespassing upon streets, public places, or premises of others shall be permitted to run at large, whether licensed on not. Violations by an owner are subject to a fine and/or jail time.