Research into human brain development is proving that parents truly are their children’s first teachers.  In the first 3 years of life, children’s brains grow to 90% of their eventual adult weight.  Families can help their preschool children prepare for Kindergarten by supporting their Reading, Writing, Language and Math skills at home – but it is also critical to understand the importance of their social and emotional development.

Skills that help children develop relationships, navigate new environments, and participate in learning activities are just as important as the development of academic skills.    To ensure a successful transition to Kindergarten, families should understand these expectations and work with your child to practice these skills:

  • Getting along with others
  • Understanding that hurting others is not okay
  • Be able to name feelings
  • Ability to take care of self and dress self
  • Use the bathroom independently
  • Be able to watch, listen & participate
  • Stay awake all day without a nap
  • Understand how to wait their turn