Forest Activities

A controlled burn was conducted on the South End of the Reservation yesterday, October 4, 2023, as fall burning continues in Warm Springs.  Fire Management will continue to execute planned burns to reduce fuels at designated locations.

Firefighters on the Bend-Fort Rock and Sisters ranger districts plan prescribed burn operations today, October 5, 2023, if conditions remain favorable, having begun a 400-acre burn southeast of Sisters on Wednesday and with nearly 1,000 acres planned for burning in coming days southeast of Bend.

Fire personnel on the Barlow Ranger District plan to burn up to 427 acres in Mt. Hood National Forest this fall. Burning operations could begin as early as tomorrow, October 6, 2023, and continue through the next few weeks if weather and moisture levels remain favorable.  The planned burns are in the South Rock and Rocky 79 prescribed fire units, located about three miles southwest of Pine Hollow and five miles west of Wamic.

The Branch of Natural Resources (BNR) is seeking public comments on the Tenino Bench Mastication Project.  Details of the Project can be found in the Project Assessment, which can be accessed online along with the public comment survey (Project Assessment:  + public comment survey: