CTWS Tribal Council was in session last week.
On Monday, December 2, 2024, there were Bureau of Indian Affairs and Bureau of Trust Funds Administration Updates. BIA Realty presented a homesite lease request that was approved. Fire & Safety in requesting for Lot #6 will submit a new resolution. Tribal Council discussed concerns regarding recent dog bite incidents and the existing dog ordinance. There was a Federal Legislative Update, a Tribal Attorney update. Unanimous approval for implementation of Resilience on the Columbia Basin Agreement with the BPA. And a travel delegation was approved for the upcoming Coalition of Large Tribes meeting.
On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, Tribal Council heard a presentation from Derek Hofbauer, of COIC, on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund. A resolution was approved establishing the CTWS Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee. There was a presentation on the Cascade Renewable Transmission Project. An update was given on compliance issues for Early Childhood Education. Tribal Council Priorities were addressed for the Tribal Government Branches of: Health & Human Services, Education, Public Utilities, along with TERO.
You can read the full Tribal Council Summaries here:
Tribal Council Summary 12 03 24
Tribal Council Summary 12 02 24