A recent public scoping meeting was held for Warm Springs Power and Water’s proposed Salmonfly Solar and Battery Storage Project. The proposed site is located on the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation, about 15 miles down Jackson Trail Road above Lake Billy Chinook. This is a Utility Scale Solar project for up to 250 MW-ac of Phovoltaic Solar power and up to 250 MW-ac Battery Energy Storage, sited on up to 2000 acres of land. The power generated would go to Warm Springs Power and Water and PGE with the point of interconnection – the Tribally owned 230 KV bay position at the Bethel Round Butte Substation.
BrightNight is the company partnering with the Tribes on this project. BrightNight is a company that designs, develops and operates safe, reliable, large scale renewable power projects. They have been working with Warm Springs Power and Water Enterprise on developing a project on Reservation Land.
The recent public scoping meeting was a first step in sharing information about the project with the Tribal Membership, to get input and answer questions. You can learn more about the project HERE
If you have comments or input – reach out to the Branch of Natural Resources or Warm Springs Power and Water.